Guided Waterfowl Hunts
Reedy Creek Outfitters goal is to provide you with a personal and customized experience hunting the coastal estuaries of the New Jersey Shore. We pride ourselves on our ever-growing list of clientele, which has been generated in large part by referrals and repeat business. We specialize in being extremely
mobile and versatile in our hunting areas and practices. Our knowledge of the estuaries (over 100 miles long) is extensive and we are equipped to hunt
divers, sea ducks, brant, puddle ducks, and geese on open water or in salt ponds, often all in the same day. We truly look forward to spending the day with
you in the marsh! No guide should guarantee full limits, but we can assure a very enjoyable and informative experience. Hunts can take place from our 17'
Maine built TDB, 2 man layout boats, ground blinds, one man boats, coffin style blinds, all depending on where and what we are hunting. Your safety is always paramount, we operate only proven seaworthy vessels and all hunts are conducted by United States Coast Guard Licensed Captains.
A Full Day Hunt is also available. On full day, we conduct two hunts in one day, in different terrain and habitat, in an effort to provide "AN EXPERIENCE" as opposed to just "shooting ducks." In this scenario we begin before dawn and hunt until mid morning. Afterward, we head to a new location and focus on a different type of hunting (Divers vs. Puddlers vs. Geese vs. Brant). These hunts are available at an additional charge and are available on a limited basis
please call to discuss the option and to check availability.
RATES... Pricing varies depending on style of hunt
1/2 Day Hunts - Back at ramp around noon or earlier if limit is reached.
· One Hunter (1/2 Day) contact for pricing
· Two-Six Persons (1/2 Day) contact for pricing
Full Day Hunts - Until end of legal shooting or until limit is reached.
· One Hunter (Full Day) contact for pricing
· Two-Six Persons (Full Day) contact for pricing
Statement on Gratuities:
We strive to maintain affordable rates despite high operating costs and overhead. Therefore, gratuities or tips are very much appreciated. We will always
work hard to please you and we encourage you to comment, express thoughts, offer suggestions and ask questions so that we can accommodate you to the
best of our abilities. We truly work year round acquiring and maintaining numerous boats, motors, decoy rigs, leases, etc. Once the season begins we
tirelessly scout our New Jersey estuaries, and factor in migration, weather and tides to afford you the best opportunity for a successful hunt..

Layout Hunts
Divers and Sea Ducks, all feet down between 15-25 yards, just bearing down on YOU as YOU look like the open pocket of water in the inviting spread of stools! Heart pounding, sweating even though its freezing out, here they are! You sit up and shoulder the gun...sounds easy! Well you probably missed, at least the first time!
Layout boats are exceptionally stable and surprisingly comfortable.Two big guys have no problem and we’ve had some really big guys shoot without any issues and with great success – including NFL linemen. You’ll be in constant marine VHF radio contact with the tender boat anchored within 100 yards to retrieve downed birds, change out shooters within your party, bring you AMMO, and “tend” to every need.

Atlantic Brant Hunts
Arkansas has mallards, Maine has eiders, and New Jersey has Brant! Brant are taken up and down the Atlantic Flyway with great success, however NJ winters the vast majority of the Atlantic Brant population and the hunting opportunity reflects it. The shallow coastal estuaries of New Jersey provide prime feeding, loafing, and graveling areas for Brant. By playing tides and the weather correctly.
We employ a number of methods to hunt Brant, but without exception we only take completely cupped, committed, perfectly decoying Brant over top quality decoy rigs – that is the beauty of a Brant shoot. We have custom 16’ – 17’ low profile boat blinds powered by 50 and 60 horsepower outboards to make long, fast runs to be “where they live.” Brant hunting in New Jersey can be simply outstanding!

Diver Hunts
Undoubtedly, any seasoned waterfowler, anywhere, has heard the lore of Barnegat Bay and the infamous Broadbill shooting. Yes, for our friends from out of state (except New York as they are with us) we call them Broadbills, always have, always will but we don’t care if you call them bluebills, scaup, or blackheads, we just hope you love them like we do.
We have excellent hunting for many diver ducks. Bufflehead, Oldsquaw, Broadbill, Hooded and Red Breasted Mergansers are numerous in our areas. We may also take some Redheads, Cans and Goldeneye if we have a cold end to the season.
We typically have a real good numbers of Broadbill in our area during the season, and though federal limits on them are lower, there is nothing like watching a flock, or even a single Broadbill handle into the decoys! Just to see them trade is a beautiful show to watch!

Sea Duck Hunts
Hard to hit and even harder to “finish-off” Seaducks are an even increasingly enjoyed resource all over the coasts of the United States. They decoy great, are challenging targets and make for an incredibly enjoyable day with friends. Generally speaking we hunt Scoters (Common, Surf and White-Wing) in the Ocean or back bays
All species handle exceptionally well, with many opportunities on decoying birds, and taking them from a layout boat is a must do on your bucket list.

Puddle Duck Hunts
No questioning the fact that New Jersey is a black duck mecca, we seldom hunt anywhere inland, on the coast, or even on the OCEAN without seeing loads of black ducks. They are no doubt many waterfowlers ultimate trophy from NJ! They are smart, habitual, and extremely wary, making them a hard bird to take without the right rig in the right place with the right set-up. Sure, they make mistakes occasionally, but black duck gunning is all in the effort and we’ll make it for you every day. On top of black ducks, we can take a variety of other puddle ducks as well.
Shooting on the bay fronts, you can have some variety. Puddlers, Divers, Brant and Geese may all give us a look. Sometimes seeing huge rafts of all different species of waterfowl, which always adds to the anticipation and experience.
We routinely hunt the marshes and have some amazing puddle duck hunting in our areas. Mallard, Black Duck, Green Wing Teal and Gadwall are some of our regulars. But we also take Shovelers, Wigeon and Pintail during the season.